Защитите своих клиентов от Вируса – системы очистки воздуха защитит ваших посетителей и персонал.

Система, которая разрушает вирусы – в  вашем бизнесе.

Нью-Йоркская  компания  ComboServise Inc   впервые на территории штата Нью-Йорк предлогает уникальный сервис по  установке  сертифицированного  оборудования для активной безопасной очистки воздуха в помещениях где находятся люди от вирусов.

Технология активного уничтотожения вирусов основанная на облучении фильтруемого фоздуха UV-облучением на основе фильтров на оксиде титана –  наиболее эфективна для мест, где постоянно находятся люди внутри помещения –    офисы, приемные,  банки, медицинские офисы рестораны.   


В своих  проэектах  ComboServise Inc  использует  устройства  Germ Guardian Air Purifier –  

Note: The claim “Kills SARS-CoV-2” may be true and not misleading where a device has been tested against the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. “SARS-CoV-2” refers to a virus. “COVID-19” refers to a disease and diseases cannot be “killed.” Therefore, the claim “Kills COVID-19” is always considered false and misleading. 
Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) air purification technology is reviewed based on the decades of research conducted by the United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) and their external colleagues. UTRC conducted basic research on the reaction rates of various volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The knowledge gained allowed validation of 1D and 3D prototype reactor models that guided further purifier development. Colleagues worldwide validated purifier prototypes in simulated realistic indoor environments. Prototype products were deployed in office environments both in the United States and France. As a result of these validation studies, it was discovered that both catalyst lifetime and byproduct formation are barriers to implementing this technology. Research is ongoing at the University of Connecticut that is applicable to extending catalyst lifetime, increasing catalyst efficiency and extending activation wavelength from the ultraviolet to the visible wavelengths. It is critical that catalyst lifetime is extended to realize cost effective implementation of PCO air purification.

Enforcement Policy for Sterilizers, Disinfectant Devices, and Air Purifiers During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Public Health Emergency Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff
C. Air Purifiers
Air purifying devices are intended for medical purposes to kill pathogens/microorganisms in the air  by exposure to UV radiation or remove them through filtration. The classification regulations and  associated product codes for air purifying devices, to which the policy in this guidance applies, are listed in Table 3:
Device Type Product
21 CFR 880.5045 Medical recirculation air cleaner FRF II
21 CFR 880.6500 Medical UV air purifier FRA II


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