Сегодня Парад Русалок на Коней Айленде

Знаменитый ежегодный парад русалок пройдет в Бруклине на Коней Айленде.

Парад Русалок (The Mermaid Parade) на Коней Айленде в Бруклине – самый большой национальный арт-парад в Америке.
В параде пройдут более 1,500 русалок и других “мифических” персонажей со всех пяти боро Нью-Йорка

. The parade highlights Coney Island Pageantry based on a century of many Coney parades, celebrates the artistic vision of the masses, and ensures that the summer season is a success by bringing hundreds of thousands of people to the amusement area in a single day.

The MERMAID PARADE specifically was founded in 1983 with 3 goals:
it brings mythology to life for local residents who live on streets named Mermaid and Neptune ;
it creates self-esteem in a district that is often disregarded as “entertainment”;
and it lets artistic New Yorkers find self-expression in public.

Unlike most parades, this one has no ethnic, religious, or commercial aims. It’s a major New York holiday invented by artists! An American version of the summer-solstice celebration, it takes pride of place with West African Water Festivals and Ancient Greek and Roman street theater. It’s features participants dressed in hand-made costumes based on themes and categories set by us. This creates an artistic framework on which artists can improvise, resulting in the flourishing of frivolity, dedication, pride, and personal vision that has become how New York celebrates summer.

Для “неместных” . С Брайтон Бич Авеню дорога пешком занимает десять минут, на метро – конечная станция трейна Q -Стилвелл Авеню.


Новости Русского Нью-Йорка

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