Ассоциация жильцев Брайтон Бич
Brighton Neighborhood Association
1121 Brighton Beach Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Phone: (718) 891-0800
Fax: (718) 891-1163
Housing Advocacy—We help you find representation and fight for housing issues. We also educate you on tenant laws and housing rights.
Homeowner Counseling—We help homeowners receive low-interest loans from the government through our counseling services.
Landlord Assistance—We help landlord settle disputes with their tenants. As well as to help make their buildings Handicapped Accessible.
Tenant Organization—We will help tenants to work as a group to address building-wide problems and raise their quality of life.
Social Services—We help you get into the entitlement programs you need. Whether signing up for low-income housing, food stamps, section 8, or housing subsidies. If you do not understand something you got in the mail, bring it in. we will help.
Immigration Outreach—We reach out to new Russian, Hispanic and Middle Eastern residents to maximize their experience in our Democratic society. We help give them a voice to address their needs
Неприбыльный фонды и ассоциации Бруклин Нью-Йорк Братон Бич Авеню, Коней Айленд
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