Best pilots ww 2 results – Лучшие пилоты асы второй мировой ( ас пилот сбивший 5 и более самолетов в день)

Америка, Англия и СССР раздавили фашистскую германиюbest pilots ww2 result – пилоты и самолеты  второй мировой

Ace in a day

The term “ace in a day” is used to designate a fighter pilot who has shot down five or more airplanes in a single day .

The first aviators to achieve this were :
1. Pilot Julius Arigi and observer/gunner Johann Lasi of the Austro-Hungarian air force, on 22 August 1916, when they downed five Italian planes.
World War I flying ace Fritz Otto Bernert scored five victories within 20 minutes on April 24, 1917, even though he wore glasses and was effectively one-armed.
2. Captain John Lightfoot Trollope of the Royal Air Force shot down and destroyed seven German planes on 24 March 1918;
3. Captain Henry Woollett shot down six more on 12 April 1918.
4. Capitaine René Fonck scored six in a day on two occasions, 9 May and 26 September 1918.

Вторая мировая :
The most notable ace in a day is :
1.Hans-Joachim Marseille of Germany, who was credited with downing 17 Allied fighters in just three sorties over North Africa on September 1, 1942, during World War II. The highest number aerial victories for a single day was claimed by Emil Lang: 18 Soviet fighters on November 3, 1943.
2. Erich Rudorffer is credited with the destruction of 13 aircraft in a single mission on October 11, 1943. Numerous other Luftwaffe pilots also claimed the title during World War II.
2. Captain Hans Wind of HLeLv 24, Finnish Air Force, scored five kills in a day five separate times during the Soviet Summer Offensive 1944, a total of 30 kills in 12 days, of his final tally of 75.
3. On December 5, 1941, the leading Australian ace of World War II, Clive Caldwell, destroyed five German aircraft in the space of a few minutes, also in North Africa. He received a Distinguished Flying Cross for the feat.
During World War II, 68 U.S. pilots—43 Army Air Forces, 18 Navy, and seven Marine Corps—were credited with the feat, including
David McCampbell, who claimed 7 (seven) Japanese planes shot down on June 19, 1944 (during the “Marianas Turkey Shoot”), and nine (9) in a single mission on October 24, 1944.
Medal of Honor recipients Jefferson DeBlanc and James E. Swett became aces on their first combat missions in Guadalcanal, scoring five kills and seven kills respectively. US Navy pilot Stanley “Swede” Vejtasa, who during the Battle of the Coral Sea shot down three Mitsubishi A6M Zeros with a Douglas SBD Dauntless, managed to down  7 (seven) Japanese planes in one sortie in the Battle of Santa Cruz flying a Grumman F4F Wildcat.
The world’s top Mustang ace, George Preddy, shot down 6 (six) Me-109s on August 6, 1944, setting the European Theater of Operations record.

На основании англоязычной статьи в википедии, мы имеем список асов – летчиков, сбивших пять и более самолетов во второй мировой войне, вот он :

Список лётчиков – асов Второй мировой войны

Germany — Hans-Joachim Marseille (18)

Germany — Emil Lang (17)

Germany — Erich Rudorffer (13)

Finnish Air Force — Captain Hans Wind (5)

Australia — Clive Caldwell (5)

USA — David McCampbell (9)

USA — James E. Swett (7)

USA — Stanley “Swede” Vejtasa (7)

USA — George Preddy (6)

Как ни обидно это  советской , да и российско-имперской милитаристкой  пропаганды , теперь переместившейся с экранов телевидения в интернет в том числе и на русский страницы викопедии, но прославленные советские летчики , которых мы уважаем и которые конечно очень много труда, пота и крови вложили в победу над фашистами, в международном понимании слова АС , в список  летчиков АССОВ не входят.

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